Hi. John here. The best way to contact me depends upon the nature of your inquiry. So…
Press & publicity
Questions about press and publicity should be directed to Elyse Marshall, whose email address is [email protected].
Movie rights
Questions about movie rights and other things that involve money should go to my agent, the lovely and tenacious Jodi Reamer at Writers House. Her email address is [email protected].
Visits and speaking engagements
Any questions about visits and speaking engagements should go to David Buchalter at UTA: [email protected]
Purchase signed copies of my books
If you would like to purchase signed copies of my books, you can do so through the first great bookstore love of my life, The Book Cellar in Chicago. Email [email protected] and let them know the titles in which you are interested. There is sometimes a waiting list, but they are the best option.
Snail mail
If you wish to send me something in the actual mail because you want to support the good employees of the United States Postal Service, you are welcome to do so care of my publisher, Dutton Books for Young Readers, at 1745 Broadway, 17th Floor in the great city of New York, NY, zip code 10019. My P.O. Box is number 30152 in Indianapolis, IN 46230. However, please note that I do not reply to snail mail. There are no exceptions to this rule. I do not even reply to snail mail from my mom.
You can follow me on TikTok @literallyjohngreen or on Facebook at JohnGreenFans. I also have an Instagram at @JohnGreenWritesBooks.
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